April 27, 2024

“How Pest Control Companies are Facing the Increase in Rodent Complaints – CBS News”

Clickbait Style Title:
“Who Knew? Unwelcome Guests Seemingly Everywhere – How to Keep the Rodents Away!”

Rewrite with Subheadings:
“Uptick in Mice Calls as Weather Cools Down”

With temperatures dropping, an unwelcomed guest is seeking shelter. Mice are on the move and pest companies are seeing 50% more rodent calls than this time last year. Tristan Spring of Xtreme Pest Solutions has been on six calls Friday to trap mice, which can squeeze through even the smallest openings.

Preventive Measures
To keep rodents away, homeowners can take preventive measures to ensure they don’t get inside. This includes using bait solutions as well as sealing up cracks and keeping woodpiles and scraps of food away from the home.

Hardware Stores Seeing a Boom
Hardware stores are seeing an increase of customers looking for mouse traps and having a hard time keeping them on shelves.

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